Friday, July 13, 2007

MA-RI-PE: my parents' merged name -- Maria and Peter.
I used to hate my given name... hehehe... It really sounds terrible & odd (right?!). I don’t feel comfy when I’m called Maripe, particularly in my grade school & high school days – for attendance. I really just don’t like it. I was wishing they could’ve given me something like Samantha or other common names just like my sister’s -- Sabrina. >>Sigh<<

During a recollection in high school, an activity has to do with what’s-in-a-name, I wasn’t eager to participate but I have to, of course. Here goes mine:


Derived from the Hebrew name Miriam meaning bitter; sea of bitterness

Biblical name meaning rebellious


A Biblical name meaning stone/rock/foundation

In Greek small rock

English name meaning a rock, Peter the Biblical fisherman and apostle had impulsive nature and rocklike faith.

Hmmmm…. Mari-Pe: rebellious rock

Sounds interesting and really sounds like me. Then, I started to “kinda” appreciate my name after the activity. It didn’t sound as awful as it seems after all, unusual but significant name.

I am Maripe – I may not go by society’s norms but my rock is steadily built.

0 blahness: